Tips for Unemployed Job Seekers

Job hunting doesn’t come so easy for job seekers especially with the increasing competition within each industry. Here are ways for you to keep yourself from making common self-sabotaging mistakes and keeping your job search alive.

1. Remember it’s not all about you. 

You’ve probably heard this before and here it is again. It is important for you to remember this since this is one of the most common mistakes a job seeker tends to forget.
You aren’t the only applicant a company receives, so don’t start going about your job search and interview with a “What’s in it for me?” attitude. Learn about the company. Show them what your skills can contribute in their community and progress.

2. Strengthen your Professional Network. 

Don’t be passive. It’s a good idea to work on your networking efforts to boost your chances of finding employment.
Utilize social media and your network to make introductions. Join professional groups to target companies of interest and contact them directly. It has also been recommended contacting recruiters who specialize in your industry, since they can help identify positions you may not be aware of.

3. Be flexible.

You may overlook some great opportunities that require moving if you are unwilling to move and relocate. Consider if you can work from home in a telecommuting job if you can’t relocate.

4. Don’t be too choosy.

Take the available job now, excel at it and keep networking until you find your dream job. You may think having a lesser job will hinder your career path or professional growth but being unemployed for a long time could do even more damage to your resume, bank account and self-esteem.

5. Get busy.

Take this opportunity to start creative projects/business, enrich your hobbies or find a part-time job. Being unemployed shouldn’t mean you’re doing nothing.
Look for freelance or volunteer work, in or out of your industry, that can add value to your resume in some way. You can also fine-tune your skills or enhance your education by taking classes and training workshops at local schools.
You can also use this time to organize papers and apply for things such as tax identification number, social security number, health insurance and such or you could use this time to further widen your credibility by taking eligibility exams.

6. Always Follow up.

“When you have a lead, you need to know how to use it well and follow up professionally,” according to Susanne Goldstein.
“Complete tasks, send emails with proper grammar [and] make the follow-up calls.” Follow up with the hiring manager with a thank-you note after an interview, and then again if you don’t hear back within the time frame he or she indicated.
Remember, you don’t want to flood the employer with daily emails about the position. But being proactive will demonstrate your enthusiasm and interest in the job.

7. Take care of yourself. 

You might have to be a bit more intentional and practical about where you spend, but that doesn’t mean you should cut fun, social connection, exercise, and healthy food out of your life.
Being unwillingly unemployed increases your vulnerability to anxiety and depression. Make sure you still connect with friends, exercise, and eat healthily. Besides, being a healthy well- adjusted unemployed dude is better than being an unemployed shut out .

8. Be nice to yourself in the process.

Rejection doesn’t always mean that you’re not good enough. The only thing being negative can get you is a pity party.
Every time you experience a rejection, say to yourself what you’d say to a friend when you console them. Offer yourself some encouraging words.
Matuson says, “Cynicism and other negative attitudes come across in job interviews — and even in letters — and those attitudes can sink your chances.” Meaning, your negative outlook can reflect into your letters and job interviews and might turn off employers.
Matuson’s advice: Surround yourself with positive people, and, if possible, as many employed (or unemployed-but-positive) people as you can.

9. Help fellow job seekers.

Reach out and help fellow job seekers during your time of transition. View this time as a time to learn about yourself and others.
Trnka said, “Networking and finding a job is not one-way. The more you engage with others and assist them — whether it’s emotional support, being a reference, or making a connection — the more you will feel empowered in your search, gain credibility, and receive assistance in return.”

Remember these and keep a positive outlook. It radiates and attracts the same kind of people and opportunities. Don’t be afraid to go out there and have some fun in the process.
Expand your network and help fellow job seekers out. Most importantly, don’t make it all about you. Take this free time to learn about the company you wish to apply in and use this time productively.

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